December 14

Wilderness Survival Equipment Every Survivalist Should Consider Having


Bugging in at home is very different from bugging out in the wilderness. At home, even if the power is out, you’ll still have shelter, a bed, and be protected from the weather. In the wild, you’ll be exposed to the elements and all types of threats from the aggravating mosquitoes to a possible bear grunting at you.

Having the correct equipment will make things much easier. There’s no denying the fact that it’s going to be a hassle to survive outdoors, but if you must do it, these are the equipment you’ll need.

  • A knife

Ideally, you should have a variety of knives to help you cut meat, cut ropes, etc. So, you’re looking at utility knives such as a Swiss army knife and a survival knife (preferably a fixed blade).

A good survival knife will have a 5 to 6-inch blade, have a pointed tip, a strong handle and a full tang. This will ensure that the knife is stronger and more suited to the rigors of outdoor survival.

Work with your knife as often as you can so that you can get the feel of it. If you know the stories of Vikings and other warriors, you’ll realize that they usually fought with weapons that were tools they used all the time.

So, their dexterity and handling of the tool as a weapon was second nature to them. In the same vein, your survival knife can be used in times of self-defense too. It won’t be a pleasant experience, but it is what it is.

  • Firearms

Firearms are fantastic for protecting you from humans and animals alike. You need a high caliber weapon with good stopping power. If you camp out in an area that has wild animals like bears, wild dogs, wolves, big cats, etc. very often, only a gun can stop these creatures.

Bear spray can work on a charging bear… but a gun is still more effective. Firing a round into the air should be enough to scare off most animals. But if they do decide to eat you, the gun will save your life.

  • Water purification

You must carry sufficient water purification tablets and a few water filtration straws/bottles. If you camp out near a lake, you’ll always have water to drink since you can purify it.

  • Fire starter kit

This will make your life a breeze. While lighters and waterproof matches should be part of your equipment, always have a Firestarter kit or two. These are very lightweight bits of equipment and you can purchase them inexpensively from Amazon.

You’ll get a flint, striking rod, etc. Practice starting a fire during peace time, so you know how to use the equipment.

  • Tents

These are a MUST. Building a shelter with sticks and debris that you find in the wild is an extremely tiring process. You’ll not feel safe, secure or comfortable if your shelter is made with leaves and twigs.

A tent can be set up in minutes and it’s much easier. Make sure you get a tent that’s collapsible and big enough for all the members in your family. You may wish to get 2 tents.

  • Ropes/paracord

These will be extremely useful for tying things down, making snares, making a clothesline, etc.

  • Utensils

You’ll need dishes, forks, spoons, knives, a saucepan to boil water, a chopping board, etc.

  • Blankets/sleeping bags

Thermal blankets are great if you live in a cold climate. Other than that, even with shelter, it can get chilly at night. Sleeping bags will keep you warm and snug like a bug.

  • Food and water rations

Ideally, your bug out bags should have food and water rations that can last you for 72 hours. During this time, you’ll be able to get the lay of the land and hunt for you own food later.

  • Signaling equipment

Mirrors, flares or flashlights are great if you need to signal for help should someone get injured. A flashlight is a must though. Hurricane lamps, candles, chemical glowsticks, etc. will be great for providing light at night.

  • Portable stoves

If you have these, you’ll not need to start a fire every time you wish to cook food.

  • Fishing equipment

Bugging out near a place that has a lake with fish in it? Bring your fishing equipment.

  • First aid kit / Sewing kit

You’ll need both too. The first aid kit is crucial for treating wounds, bites, etc. The sewing kit can be used to stitch up clothes, sleeping bags, tears in the tent, etc. Very important equipment.

These are just some of the equipment and stores that you’ll need to bring with you when camping out in the wild. The more items you can bring, the more comfortable your stay will be.

Plan and remember medication, toys for your children, a portable radio to keep up with events, batteries, etc.

With proper planning you’ll not forget anything and have all your supplies ready to go at short notice. Time will be of the essence. Be prepared.


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