December 14

Street Survival Tips for Preppers


During a crisis or riot, the streets are definitely not the place you want to be. When people are desperate for supplies, and when law and order has its hands full managing the devastating effects of a natural disaster, the streets can get very unsafe quickly.

You must be on high alert when you’re outside, and the truth is that the best survival tip is NOT to be out on the streets. This is especially true if you’re a woman. If you’ve prepared well, you should have enough food and water to last you several days indoors.

However, if you need to go out, follow the tips below.

  • Minimize risks

Know where you’re going and get there fast, and leave fast. Now is not the time to park your car one block away from the mall just so that you can get some exercise. Know your route and get the job done quickly, and get home.

If you’re in unfamiliar areas, always try to have a map with you. Avoid trouble spots that are hot zones of violent activities. Some areas will always be more dangerous.

Avoid wearing jewelry, or carrying too much cash with you. Always wear proper running shoes so that you can run off if things go sideways. It’s best to cross roads at intersections rather than use quiet and lonely underpasses.

If you feel like someone is following you, step into the nearest shop and ask for help or call the police. If there is no shop around, walk to the closest police station or mall where there’s security and you can get help.

  • Be confident

Always appear confident and bold even if you’re quaking in your boots. Criminals are often looking for easy prey and wish to do crimes of opportunity so that they can get away with easy pickings.

A woman who looks like she’ll put up a fight, or a man who looks like he could make, Chuck Norris cry will not be suitable targets for them. If you are cornered, and the criminals ask for your belongings, just toss your purse or wallet on the ground.

This will give you an opportunity to escape. Do not struggle or get violent. They may have a knife or gun and things could get very ugly.

  • Avoid gangs of youngsters

It’s always best to avoid groups of youngsters who seem to be loitering or congregating for no reason. They may be bored or up to some mischief or another. Mob mentality can set in and crimes can escalate real fast.

Many horrific crimes and even murders, have been committed by youngsters who were in groups. After getting apprehended, several of them had no clue why they behaved that way. Bad energy is contagious, and everyone gets carried away in the heat of the moment. So, avoid placing yourself in such situations.

  • Carry a stun gun or other weapon

A weapon will always give you an edge in an altercation. It could be a firearm, pepper spray, a stun gun, a tactical dagger, etc. It’s best to have one on you at all times to put the odds in your favor.

Learn to use what you carry, and practice often so that you’re quick on the draw and accurate. During a high stress situation, adrenaline will be pumping through you and your motor skills will be compromised. If you’ve practiced enough, your training will kick in and save the day.

  • Always face oncoming traffic

It’s always best to face oncoming traffic when walking along the side of a road. This will prevent snatch thefts, kidnappings, etc.

Remember these tips whenever you’re out in the street. Even during peaceful times, crime can occur. There are victims daily. Being alert and on guard will ensure that you’re not one of them. Stay sharp.


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